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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1869 > March > Apostles of Spiritism in Spain
Apostles of Spiritism in Spain
Ciudad-Real, February 1869
Ciudad-Real, February 1869
To Mr. Allan Kardec
“Dear Sir,
The Spiritists who formed the circle of the city of Andujar, today scattered by the will of God, for the propagation of true doctrine, greet you fraternally.
Tiny by talent, great by faith, we propose to support, both through the press and through speech, in public and in private, the Spiritist doctrine, because it is the very one that Jesus preached, when he came to earth for the redemption of humanity. The Spiritist doctrine, called to combat materialism, to make the divine word prevail, so that the spirit of the Gospel is no longer truncated by anyone, to prepare the way to equality and fraternity, today in Spain it needs apostles and martyrs. If we cannot be the first, we will be the last: we are ready for the sacrifice.
We will fight alone or together with those who profess our doctrine. The times have come; let us not miss, out of indecision or fear, the reward that is reserved for those who suffer and are persecuted by justice.
Our group consisted of six people, under the spiritual guidance of the Spirit of Fénelon. Our medium was Francisco Perez Blanca, and the others: Pobla Medina, Luis Gonzalez, Francisco Marti, José Gonzalez, and Manuel Gonzalez. After spreading the seed in Andujar, today we are in different cities: Leon, Seville, Salamanca, etc., where each of us works to spread the doctrine, that we consider our mission. Following Fénelon's advice, we will publish a Spiritist journal; wishing to illustrate it with excerpts from the works you have published, please grant us permission. We would also be very happy for your kind cooperation, and to this end we are putting at your disposal the columns of our journal. Thanking you in advance, we ask you to greet on our behalf our brothers of the Parisian Society.
And you, dear Sir, receive the fraternal hug of your brothers. In everyone’s name,
Manuel Gonzales Soriano
We have already had many occasions to say that Spain has many sincere, dedicated, and enlightened followers; here it is no longer devotion, it is abnegation; not a thoughtless self-sacrifice, but calm, cold, like that of the soldier who walks in battle saying to himself: whatever it costs me, I will do my duty. It is not that courage that blazes like a spark in the fire and goes out at the first alarm, calculating, before the action, what he can lose or gain; it is the devotion of the one who puts the interest of all above one’s personal interest. What would have happened to the great ideas that moved the world forward, if they had only found selfish defenders, devoted in words, if there was nothing to fear and nothing to lose, but bowing before a wrong look and the fear of compromising a few instances of their well-being? Science, the arts, industry, patriotism, religions, philosophies have had their apostles and martyrs. Spiritism is also a great regenerative idea; it is barely born; it is not complete yet, and it already finds devoted hearts to the point of abnegation, of sacrifice; devotions often obscure, seeking neither glory nor shine, but who are even more meritorious for acting in a small sphere, because they are morally more selfless.
However, in all causes, open dedications are necessary, because they energize the masses, The time is not far away, that is certain, when Spiritism will also have its great defenders who, braving sarcasm, prejudice and persecution, they will fly its flag with the firmness that gives the consciousness of doing something useful; they will support it with the authority of their name and talent, and their example will drag the crowd of timid who still cautiously stand aside. Our brothers in Spain lead the way; they hold their breath and prepare for the struggle; may they receive our congratulations and from their brothers in belief from all countries, for among the Spiritists there is no distinction of nationalities. Their names will be inscribed with honor next to the courageous pioneers to whom posterity will owe a tribute of gratitude for having paid with their persons and contributed to the erection of the edifice.
Does this mean that dedication consists in taking the travel staff to go and preach to everyone around the world? No, of course not since one can be useful wherever one is. True dedication consists in knowing how to make the most of one's position, putting it at the service of the cause, as usefully as possible and with discernment, the physical and moral forces that the Providence has set out for each one. The dispersion of these gentlemen is not the result of their will; united at first by the nature of their functions, these same functions called them on to different points of Spain. Far from being discouraged by such isolation, they understood that, while remaining united in thought and action, they would be able to plant the flag in several centers, and that their separation would then turn in favor of the popularization of the idea.
So it was with a French regiment, in which several officers had formed among themselves one of the most serious and well-organized groups we have seen. Animated by an enlightened zeal and a dedication to the test, their goal was first to learn thoroughly the principles of the doctrine, then to practice the word by imposing on themselves the obligation to deal with an issue, by taking turns, to become acquainted with the controversy. Outside their circle, they preached by word and example, but with prudence and moderation; not seeking to make propaganda at all costs, they made it more fruitful. The regiment changed its residence and was divided among several cities; the group was thus materially dispersed, but always united by the intentions, they continued their work on different points.
“Dear Sir,
The Spiritists who formed the circle of the city of Andujar, today scattered by the will of God, for the propagation of true doctrine, greet you fraternally.
Tiny by talent, great by faith, we propose to support, both through the press and through speech, in public and in private, the Spiritist doctrine, because it is the very one that Jesus preached, when he came to earth for the redemption of humanity. The Spiritist doctrine, called to combat materialism, to make the divine word prevail, so that the spirit of the Gospel is no longer truncated by anyone, to prepare the way to equality and fraternity, today in Spain it needs apostles and martyrs. If we cannot be the first, we will be the last: we are ready for the sacrifice.
We will fight alone or together with those who profess our doctrine. The times have come; let us not miss, out of indecision or fear, the reward that is reserved for those who suffer and are persecuted by justice.
Our group consisted of six people, under the spiritual guidance of the Spirit of Fénelon. Our medium was Francisco Perez Blanca, and the others: Pobla Medina, Luis Gonzalez, Francisco Marti, José Gonzalez, and Manuel Gonzalez. After spreading the seed in Andujar, today we are in different cities: Leon, Seville, Salamanca, etc., where each of us works to spread the doctrine, that we consider our mission. Following Fénelon's advice, we will publish a Spiritist journal; wishing to illustrate it with excerpts from the works you have published, please grant us permission. We would also be very happy for your kind cooperation, and to this end we are putting at your disposal the columns of our journal. Thanking you in advance, we ask you to greet on our behalf our brothers of the Parisian Society.
And you, dear Sir, receive the fraternal hug of your brothers. In everyone’s name,
Manuel Gonzales Soriano
We have already had many occasions to say that Spain has many sincere, dedicated, and enlightened followers; here it is no longer devotion, it is abnegation; not a thoughtless self-sacrifice, but calm, cold, like that of the soldier who walks in battle saying to himself: whatever it costs me, I will do my duty. It is not that courage that blazes like a spark in the fire and goes out at the first alarm, calculating, before the action, what he can lose or gain; it is the devotion of the one who puts the interest of all above one’s personal interest. What would have happened to the great ideas that moved the world forward, if they had only found selfish defenders, devoted in words, if there was nothing to fear and nothing to lose, but bowing before a wrong look and the fear of compromising a few instances of their well-being? Science, the arts, industry, patriotism, religions, philosophies have had their apostles and martyrs. Spiritism is also a great regenerative idea; it is barely born; it is not complete yet, and it already finds devoted hearts to the point of abnegation, of sacrifice; devotions often obscure, seeking neither glory nor shine, but who are even more meritorious for acting in a small sphere, because they are morally more selfless.
However, in all causes, open dedications are necessary, because they energize the masses, The time is not far away, that is certain, when Spiritism will also have its great defenders who, braving sarcasm, prejudice and persecution, they will fly its flag with the firmness that gives the consciousness of doing something useful; they will support it with the authority of their name and talent, and their example will drag the crowd of timid who still cautiously stand aside. Our brothers in Spain lead the way; they hold their breath and prepare for the struggle; may they receive our congratulations and from their brothers in belief from all countries, for among the Spiritists there is no distinction of nationalities. Their names will be inscribed with honor next to the courageous pioneers to whom posterity will owe a tribute of gratitude for having paid with their persons and contributed to the erection of the edifice.
Does this mean that dedication consists in taking the travel staff to go and preach to everyone around the world? No, of course not since one can be useful wherever one is. True dedication consists in knowing how to make the most of one's position, putting it at the service of the cause, as usefully as possible and with discernment, the physical and moral forces that the Providence has set out for each one. The dispersion of these gentlemen is not the result of their will; united at first by the nature of their functions, these same functions called them on to different points of Spain. Far from being discouraged by such isolation, they understood that, while remaining united in thought and action, they would be able to plant the flag in several centers, and that their separation would then turn in favor of the popularization of the idea.
So it was with a French regiment, in which several officers had formed among themselves one of the most serious and well-organized groups we have seen. Animated by an enlightened zeal and a dedication to the test, their goal was first to learn thoroughly the principles of the doctrine, then to practice the word by imposing on themselves the obligation to deal with an issue, by taking turns, to become acquainted with the controversy. Outside their circle, they preached by word and example, but with prudence and moderation; not seeking to make propaganda at all costs, they made it more fruitful. The regiment changed its residence and was divided among several cities; the group was thus materially dispersed, but always united by the intentions, they continued their work on different points.