Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1869

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1869 > January > Spiritism Everywhere > Lamartine


Among the oscillations of sky and ship,

Lulled by waves, slow and gigantic,

Man goes around the Cape of Storms,

Passing through lightning and darkness,

The stormy tropic of another humanity!

On May 20th Le Siècle quoted these lines in connection with an article about the commercial crisis. What do they have of Spiritist, people will ask! There is nothing about souls or Spirits. With even more reason one could ask what relationship they have with the substance of the article in which they were framed, dealing with taxation of commodities. They touch much more directly Spiritism, because it is, in another form, the thought expressed by the Spirits on the future that is being prepared; it is in a language both sublime and concise, the announcement of the convulsions that humanity will have to undergo for its regeneration, and that the Spirits make us foresee as imminent, from all sides. Everything is summed up in this deep thought: another humanity, the image of a transformed humanity, of the new moral world replacing the old world that is collapsing. The first indications of those changes are already being felt, which is why the Spirits tell us, in all tones, that the times have come. Mr. Lamartine made a true prophecy here, whose realization we are beginning to see.

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