The Spiritist review — Journal of psychological studies — 1858

Allan Kardec

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Moral dissertation dictated by St. Louis to Mr. D...

St. Louis had promised us a dissertation about envy, to be delivered in one of the Society’s session. Mr. D... was starting to develop his mediumship, still bearing some doubts not related to the Doctrine of which he is one of the keenest followers, understanding it in its essence, that is, from a moral point of view, but with respect to his own incipient faculty, Mr. D... then evoked St. Louis, in a particular session, addressing him with the following question:

Can you clarify to me, my inquietude, with respect to my mediumship, writing through me the dissertation you promised to the Society, to be delivered on Tuesday, June 1st?

- Yes. I will gladly do it to calm you.

Then the following text was dictated. We point out the fact that Mr. D... addressed St. Louis with a sincere and pure heart, without second intentions, indispensable condition to every good communication. He was not taking a test. He just doubted himself and God allowed his wishes in order to give him means of becoming useful. Today Mr. D... is one of the most complete mediums, not only by his facilities to operate but also by his aptitude to serve as an interpreter to all spirits, even those of the highest categories, who easily and willingly express themselves. These are, above all, the qualities we should seek in the mediums and that can always be acquired with patience, resolve and exercise. Mr. D... did not need a lot of patience; he had good will and fervor, added to his natural aptitude. A few days only were needed to take his faculty to the highest degree.

Here is the text he received about envy:

“See this man. His spirit is uneasy; his earthly happiness gets to the top: he envies the gold, the luxury, the apparent or fictitious happiness of his neighbors; his heart is devastated, his soul quietly burned by the never ending struggle of pride, of unsatisfied vanity. He carries along a snake that he feeds and that incessantly suggests him the most fatal thoughts, at all times of his miserable existence: “Will I have this ecstasy, this happiness? I deserve it as much as the others; I am a man like them, why would I be disinherited?”

“He struggles in his impotence, victim of a horrible torture by envy, happy still if such dismal ideas do not drive him to the borders of the abyss. Once he takes that route he questions himself if he should not take by force everything that he judges to be owed to him; if he is not going to expose the terrible evil that devours him to the eyes of everyone.”

“Had this miserable man looked only below him, he would have seen the number of those who suffer without a lament and still praise the Creator, because disgrace is a benefit utilized by God to make the poor creature advance to His eternal throne.”

“Do the good deeds of charity and submission, the only ones that can take you into God’s dwelling, which are your happiness and true treasure on Earth. These good deeds will be your eternal delight and happiness.”

“Envy is one of the ugliest and saddest miseries of your globe. Charity and constant demonstration of faith will eliminate all these evils which will disappear, one by one, as the good men that will come after you multiply.

A new photographic discovery

Several newspapers have reported the following:

“Mr. Badet, deceased on the last November 12th, after a three month long illness, used to be by the window of the first floor, according to the Union Bourguignonne of Dijon, whenever he had the needed strength, always facing the street, distracted by the passersby. A few days ago Mrs. Peltret, whose house is located just across the road to the Badet’s widow, noticed on one of the glass windows Mr. Badet himself, with his cotton cap, showing his emaciated face, etc, like she had actually seen him during the period of his disease. It was a great emotion, to say the least.”

“She not only called the neighbors, whose testimony could be suspicious, but also some reputable men who distinctly saw Mr. Badet’s image in the glass window, where he used to be. The image was then shown to the family and they immediately got rid of the glass.”

“It was demonstrated, however, that the image of the ill man was reproduced in the glass, as if daguerreotyped, phenomenon which could only be explained if on the opposite side of the window there was another one, through which the solar beams could have gotten through to Mr. Badet. But there wasn’t such a window. The room has only one. This is the naked truth about this admirable case, whose explanation must be requested to the scholars.”

We confess that since we read the news our first impulse was to consider it vulgar, as we do with apocryphal news. We did not give any importance to that. A few days later Mr. Jobard, from Brussels, wrote the following to us:

“On reading the following fact (the one just described), which happened in my homeland with one of my relatives, I shrugged after seeing the coverage of the newspaper referring this matter to the scientists and attested that this good family had removed the glass window, through which Badet observed the passersby. Call upon him to see what he thinks.”

Such a confirmation of the fact by a man of character like Mr. Jobard, whose merits and honorability everybody knows, and the special circumstance of having one of his relatives by hero, could not leave us with any doubt with respect to the truthfulness of the event.

As a consequence of that we then evoked Mr. Badet in the session of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, on Tuesday, June 15th, 1858. Here are the explanations that we obtained:

1 – I request the Almighty God to allow the spirit of Mr. Badet, who died in Dijon, on the last November 11th, to may come to communicate with us.
- I am here.

2 – Is the matter related to you and that we have just recalled true?
- Yes, it is true.

3 – Could you give us your explanation?
- There are physical agents still unknown but which later will become common. It is a very simple phenomenon, similar to a photography produced by forces that you have not discovered yet.

4 – Could you precipitate such discovery through your explanations?- I would like to but this is the task of other spirits and human work.

5 – Could you reproduce the phenomenon once again?
- It was not I who produced it. It was the physical conditions, independent of me.

6 – By whose will and with which objective the fact was produced?
- It was produced when I was alive, independently of my will. A particular state of the atmosphere revealed it later.

A discussion was established among the audience, relatively to the likely causes of the phenomenon, having several opinions been issued, without any other question addressed to the spirit, who then spontaneously said:

“And don’t you take into account electricity and galvanoplasty that also act on the perispirit?”

7 – We have been told lately that the spirits have no eyes. Well, if such an image is the reproduction of the perispirit, how was it possible to reproduce the organs of sight?
- The perispirit is not the spirit. The appearance, or perispirit, has eyes but the spirit doesn’t. Indeed I told you, when talking about the perispirit, that I was alive.

OBSERVATION: While we wait until that new discovery takes place we will give it the provisional name “spontaneous photography”. Everyone will regret that he glass in which the image of Mr. Badet had been reproduced was destroyed. Such a curious monument would have facilitated the research and observations for the adequate study of the subject. Perhaps they saw the art of the devil in that image. In any case, if by any means the devil is involved in this it is, no doubt, in the destruction of the glass, because he is the enemy of progress.

Considerations about spontaneous photography

It results from the explanations above (previous article) that the fact on itself is neither supernatural nor miraculous. How many phenomena in similar conditions, in times of ignorance, must have shocked imagination, so much inclined towards the wonderful! It is then a purely physical effect that foresees a new step in the photographic science.

As known, the perispirit is the semi-material covering of the spirit. It is not only after death that it endows the spirit; during life it is united to the body; it is the bond between the body and the spirit. Death is only the destruction of the coarser covering; the spirit retains the second, which keeps the appearance of the first, as if preserving its image. The perispirit is generally invisible however, and under certain circumstances, condenses and combines with other fluids, becoming perceptible to the sight and sometimes even tangible. It is what is observed in the apparitions.

Whatever the subtleness and imponderability of the perispirit, it is still some sort of matter whose properties are still unknown to us. Once it is matter, it can act upon matter. Such an action is present in the magnetic phenomena. It has revealed in the inert bodies by the impression left by Mr. Badet’s image in the glass. That impression was left when he was alive; it remained after his death but it was invisible. As it seems, the casual action of an unknown agent was needed, probably atmospheric, for it to become apparent.

What is so remarkable about that?

Don’t we know that it is possible to make the daguerreotyped image appear and disappear?

We mentioned this as a comparison, without establishing similarity between the processes. Thus, it would have been the perispirit, coming out of Mr. Badet’s body, that would slowly have exerted a true chemical action over the vitreous substance, under the scope of unknown circumstances, similar to those of light. Electricity and light must undoubtedly play a significant role in this phenomenon. The agents and circumstances are still unknown. That is what we shall likely know later and this will not be one of the least curious discoveries of modern times.

If this is a natural phenomenon, why is it the first time that it is produced, those who deny everything will ask?

We shall then ask back, why the daguerreotyped images were impressed only after Daguerre, considering that he did not invent the light, or the copper plates, neither the silver nor the chlorine. The dark chamber phenomena are known since long ago. A natural circumstance has revealed the path to the impression, followed then by the genius and step by step we arrived at the master pieces of the present times. The same will probably happen to the strange phenomenon that has just been manifested. Who knows it has already been produced, gone unnoticed by the lack of a thoughtful observer?

The reproduction of an image onto glass is a common fact, but its adherence under different conditions from those of the photography; the latent state of that image; its resurgence later, this is what should mark the archives of Science.

If we believe in the spirits, we should wait for many marvels, some of which are indicated by them. Honor, thus, to those sufficiently modest scholars who do not judge that nature has already turned its last page on them.

If that phenomenon was produced once, it can then be repeated. It is what shall likely happen when we hold its key. While we wait, here is what one of our members told us in the referred session of the Society:

“I was in Montrouge. It was summer time, the sunlight darting through the window. A flask of water rested on a straw mat on the table. Suddenly the straw was set on fire. Had nobody been there, the whole place could have been set on fire and nobody would know the cause. I have unsuccessfully tried to reproduce the phenomenon hundreds of times.”

The physical cause of combustion is well known: the bottle produced the effect of a hot glass. But why the experience could not be repeated? Independently of the bottle and the water, there has been the concourse of circumstances that have acted exceptionally, concentrating the solar beams: maybe the state of the atmosphere, the vapors, the quality of the water, the electricity, etc., and all that probably in adequate proportions. This illustrates the difficulty in repeating exactly the same conditions, as well as the uselessness of the attempts to try to produce a similar effect. This is an example of a phenomenon entirely dominated by Physics, whose principle we know but which we cannot reproduce at will.

Will the most stubborn skeptical deny the fact? Certainly not! Why then the same skeptical deny the spiritist phenomena – speaking of the manifestations in general – by the fact that those cannot be manipulated at will? On not admitting that there could be new agents outside of those known to us, governed by special laws; denying such agents by the fact that they do not obey laws that we know, this is truly to give proof of little logic and to show a narrow mind.

Let us go back to the image of Mr. Badet. As with our friend of the flask, numerous fruitless trials will be carried out until a happy chance or the effort of a powerful genius may provide the key to the mystery. Then it will probably become a new art, with which industry will prosper. We can already hear many people saying: But there is a very simple way of finding that key. Why not asking the spirits?

This is then the opportunity to point out a mistake made by many who judge the Spiritist Science without knowing it. First of all let us remind the fundamental principle that all the spirits are far from knowing everything, as previously thought.

The spirits’ scale gives us the measure of their capacity and morality, and experience daily confirms our observations with that respect. Thus, the spirits do not know everything and there are some that are inferior to certain men, in all aspects. This is what we cannot disregard.

The spirit of Mr. Badet, involuntary author of the phenomenon of our concern, reveals through his answers a certain elevation, but not a great superiority. He recognizes his own inability to provide a complete explanation. He says: “This is a task to other spirits and human work”.

These words formulate a whole lesson. Indeed, it would be somewhat easy to have only to ask the spirits, in order to attain the most marvelous discoveries. Where would then the merit of the inventers be if a hidden hand had come to prepare the task and spare the research work? No doubt that there would not be a lack of unscrupulous persons patenting inventions in their names, not even mentioning the real inventors. Besides, such questions are always addressed with the aim of self- interest and in the hopes of easy fortune, all constituting very bad recommendations to the good spirits. Those, by the way, that never subject themselves to serve as instruments of trafficking.

Man must have their initiative, without which he is reduced to the condition of machine. He must perfect through work. This is one of the conditions of his Earthly existence. It is also necessary that everything comes in due time and through the means that God pleases to employ. The spirits cannot alter the paths of the Providence. Willing to force the established order is to be at the service of spirits of mockery, who praise ambition, greed and vanity only to laugh later at the disappointment they have caused. Since they are of unscrupulous nature they tell us everything we want to hear; give all the requested recipes and, if necessary, will justify them with scientific formulas, even if they hold no more value than the recipes of the charlatan.

May you, who think that the spirits would show you gold mines, be disillusioned! Their mission is more serious. “Work, endeavor! This is what you really lack”, said a distinguished moralist, from whom we shall soon publish a conversation from beyond the grave.

The Spiritist Doctrine then adds to that wise statement: These are those to whom the serious spirits come to help, by the ideas they suggest or by their direct counsel and not the lazy ones who want to enjoy without having accomplished anything, neither the ambitious ones who want to have the effortless merit. Help yourself and heaven will help you.
The rapping spirit of Bergzabern *
Part III

We continue to cite Mr. Blanck’s brochure, editor of the Bergzabern newspaper.

“The facts which we will report took place between Friday 4th and Wednesday 9th, March 1853. Nothing similar happened after that period. Filipina then no longer slept in the room already known to us: her bed had been transferred to the next-door room where it is still today. The manifestations acquired such a strange character that it is impossible to admit their explanation by human intervention. In fact, these are so different from the ones observed previously that all initial hypotheses went down the drain.

It is a known fact that in the bedroom, where she slept, the chairs and other pieces of furniture were scrambled and the windows violently opened through repetitive strikes. For five weeks she had been installed in the common room where there is always light from the onset of the evening to dawn breal. Anyone can perfectly see what happens in the room.

Here is what was observed on March 4th.

Filipina was not in bed yet. She was with some people talking about the rapping spirit. Suddenly a drawer from a heavy table in the middle of the room was noisily pulled and pushed back with extraordinary speed. Those present were surprised by such a new manifestation. At the same time the table itself was set in motion, moving in all directions and then advancing towards the fireplace, close to where Filipina was sitting. She was, to say, chased by the furniture, having to leave her place and run towards the middle of the room but the table came back in that direction, stopping at fifteen centimeters from the wall. It was then put back in its normal place from where it did not move again but the boots that were under the table were thrown in the middle of the room, seen by all with great horror. One of the drawers moved back and forth on its supporting tracks, for a couple of times, in the beginning very fast but progressively slowing down. When it was wide open it would shake violently. A package of tobacco, left on the table, changed places continuously. Noises and scratches were heard from over the table. Filipina, who was then very healthy, by no means seemed uneasy by such strange things, repeatedly happening every evening since Friday.

But the events were still more remarkable on Sunday. The drawer was violently pulled in and out several times. Once settled in her former bedroom Filipina was suddenly taken by the magnetic sleep, falling on an armchair from where the scratches were heard several times. While she had her hands resting on her knees the chair would move sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left or forward and backward. When Filipina was transported to the middle of the room it was easy to observe that new phenomenon. Then, to a single command, the chair turned, advanced, backed up with a higher or smaller speed, sometimes in one direction sometimes in another. During that original dance, the girl’s feet would drag on the floor, as if paralyzed; she complained of headache, moaned and placed her hands on her forehead. Then, suddenly awaken, looked around in all directions, not understanding the situation, but her sudden illness had disappeared. She lied down. Then the raps and scratches, which were heard earlier from the table, were now heard in the bed, playfully and with strength.

A few moments earlier a bell had spontaneously rung, giving some people the idea of tying her up to the bed. The bell then immediately began to swing and ring. Once the bed was raised and moved, remarkable thing, the bell remained quiet and motionless. Just about midnight all noises had ceased and the participants left.

Monday evening, May 15th, a big bell was attached to the bed. A disgusting and deafening noise was immediately heard. On the same day, in the afternoon, the windows and the bedroom door were opened, but quietly.

We have to say that the armchair used by Filipina on Friday and Saturday, taken by the old Sänger to the middle of the living room, appeared lighter than usual. It seemed that an invisible force lifted it up. If one of the presents wanted to push it, there was no resistance: the chair seemed to glide by itself on the floor.

The rapping spirit remained silent for three days during Easter Holiday: Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Only on Easter Sunday the rings of the bell restarted: rhythmical hits, composing an Aria. On April 1st, during the change of the guard, the troops that were leaving town were marching by the tune of a military music. As they were marching across from the front of Mr. Sänger’s house the rapping spirit executed in the bed, on his own way, the same music that was played in the street. A few moments earlier someone’s steps were heard in the bedroom and also the sound of something like sand thrown on the floor.

Worried about the facts we have just described, the Palatinate Government proposed that Mr. Sänger should take his daughter into the Frankenthal health clinic, which was accepted. We were informed that Filipina’s presence produced the same prodigies of Bergazabern and that the Frankenthal doctors, as well as those in our city, cannot determine their cause. Besides, we are also informed that only the doctors have access to the girl.

Why such a measure? We ignore and cannot criticize it but if what has motivated it is not the result of any particular circumstance, we believe that not everybody should have access to the interesting girl but at least those commendable persons.”

OBSERVATION: We have only received news about the published fact through Mr. Blanck’s report. A fact, however, has just put us in touch with one of the persons that is more frequently shown in this case and that, with respect to the event, kindly provided us with the most interesting circumstantial documents. By evocation, we had the addition of very curious and instructive explanations about the rapping spirit, given by him. As such documents got to our hands a little bit late we will postpone its publication to the next issue of the Review.

* We owe the translation of this interesting brochure to the kindness of one of our friends, Mr. Alfred Pireaux, employee of the Post Office administration.

Conversations from beyond the grave - the drummer of Berezina

Some people met in our house with the objective of verifying certain manifestations; the facts below were produced in several sessions, giving rise to the reported conversation since it presents a great interest from the point of view of the study.

The spirit manifested by raps, not by knocks with the foot of the table, but inside the wood itself. The exchange of ideas between the audience and the invisible being does not leave margin to doubts with respect to the intervention of an occult intelligence. Besides the answers to several questions, sometimes by the “yes”, sometimes by the “no”, or by means of alphabetic typtology, the raps have spontaneously played a musical march; the rhythm of an aria; imitated the sounds of cannons and bayonet shots in the battlefield; the sound of the barrel or of the shoemaker; echoed with remarkable accuracy, etc. Then the motion of a table and its translation, without any contact of the hands, as the persons who were present remained at a distance. A salad bowl placed on the table slipped in a straight line, not turning, also without the contact of hands. The raps were equally heard in multiple pieces of furniture in the room; sometimes simultaneously, on other occasions as if providing answers.

The spirit seemed to have special preference for the drumbeat, as it was played every time, irrespective of a request. Instead of answering certain questions, the spirit played the General’s march and the readiness tune. Once questioned about some particulars of his life he said his name was Célima, a drummer born in Paris, who died at the age of forty-five.

Besides the special medium of physical effects who produced the manifestations, there was in the audience an excellent psychographic medium that could serve as interpreter to the spirit. We have thus obtained more explicit answers. He confirmed in writing what he had said through typtology with respect to his name, place and date of birth, and date of death; the following questions were addressed to him, whose answers present several characteristic traces, confirming certain essential parts of the theory.

1 – Write anything, whatever you want to write to us.- Ran, plan plan, ran plan plan.

2 – Why do you write this?- Because I was a drummer.

3 – Did you have any instruction?- Yes.

4 – Where did you go to school?- I went to the “Ignorantins” *

5 – You seem joyful.- I am very much so.

6 – On a given occasion you said you liked to drink. Is that true?- I liked everything that was good.

7 – You were in the military?
- Of course, since I was a drummer.

8 – Under which government did you serve?- Under Napoleon, the Great.

9 – Can you cite a battle in which you participated?- The battle of Breezing.

10 – It was then that you died?- No.

11 – Had you been to Moscow?- No.

12 – Where did you die?- In the snow.

13 – Which corps did you serve?- The marines guard.

14 – Did you like Napoleon, the Great?
- Like us, everybody loved him, not knowing why!

15 – Do you know what happened after Napoleon’s death?
- After my death I was only concerned with myself.

16 – Have you reincarnated?
- No, that is why I came to talk to you.

17 – Why do you manifest through raps without been evoked?
- Noise is needed to the nonbeliever’s hearts. If it has not been enough, I will give you more.

18 – Have you come to rap on your own or was it another spirit that forced you?
- I gladly came on my own. There is another one who you call “Truth” that can obligateme. But I wanted to come since long time ago.

19 – Why you wanted to come?
- To communicate with you. This is what I wanted. But there was something blocking me. I was forced to do this by a familiar spirit of the household, who convinced me to become useful to the persons who would ask me questions.

Q. Then such a spirit has a lot of power, considering that he dominates the others.
- More than you think, and he only employs it to the good deeds.

OBSERVATION: The familiar spirit of the house is known by the allegoric name “Truth”, circumstance that was ignored by the medium.

20 – What is it that was blocking you?
- I don’t know. It was something that I don’t understand.

21 – Do you find life deplorable?- No. Nothing is deplorable to me.

22 – Which one do you prefer: your current existence or the Earthly life?
- I prefer the spirit’s life rather than the bodily life.

23 – Why?
- We are much better off than on Earth. Earth is a purgatory and when I was alive I always wanted to die.

24 – Do you suffer in your new condition?
- No, but I am not happy yet.

25 – Would you be glad if you had a new corporeal existence?
- Yes, because I have to improve myself.

26 – Who told you so?
- I know that well.

27 – Will you reincarnate soon?
- I don’t know.

28 – Do you see other spirits around you?- Yes, many.

29 – How do you know they are spirits?
- Among us we see each other as we are.

30 – With which appearance you see them?
- By the way the spirits can be seen but not through the eyes.

31 – And you, which appearance do you have?
- The one I had when alive, that is, of a drummer.

32 – And do you see the other spirits with the forms they had when alive?
- No. We only take an appearance when we are evoked. Besides that we see each other without a form.

33 – Do you see us clearly, as when you were alive?- Yes, perfectly.

34 – Is it through the eyes that you see us?
- No. We have a form but we don’t have the senses. Our form is nothing but appearance.

OBSERVATION: The spirits certainly have sensations, as they perceive. If not theywould be inert. Their sensations, however, are not localized as when they have a
body. They are inherent to their whole being.

35 – Tell us in which location you are positively here.
- Near the table, between you and the medium.

36 – When you knock, are you on the table, below it or inside the structure of the wood?
- I stay beside it. I don’t get inside the wood. It is enough that I touch the table.

37 – How do you produce the noises that are heard?- I believe it is by the concentration of our force.

38 – Could you explain how the several noises that you imitate are produced, like for example the scratching?
- I could not describe well the nature of the noises. It is difficult to explain. I know it is

strange but I can’t explain how I produce that noise that you call scratching.

39 – Could you produce the same noises with any other medium?
- No. There are specialties with all mediums. Not all can act like that.

40 – Do you see among us, besides the young S... (the medium of physical influence by whom the spirit manifests) someone that can help to produce the same effects?
- At the moment I see nobody. With him I am well equipped to produce them.

41 – Why with him and not someone else?
- Because I know him for some time and also because he is more capable than anyone else for that kind of manifestations.

42 – You knew him from long ago, from before the present existence?
- No. I know him from not long ago. I was somehow attracted to him, so that he would be

my instrument.

43 – When the table lifts up in the air without a supporting point, who sustains it?
- Our will, which forces it to obey us, and also the fluid that we transmit to the table.

OBSERVATION: This theory supports the one we presented in the issues No 5 and 6 of this Review, about the physical manifestations.

44 – Can you do that?
- I believe so. I will try when the medium is present (at the moment he was absent).

45 – What does it depend on?
- On me as I am served by the medium as an instrument.

46 – But isn’t the quality of the instrument important?
- Yes. That helps me a lot and that is why, as I said, today I could not do it with others.

OBSERVATION: During the session we unsuccessfully tried to lift the table up maybe by a lack of sufficient perseverance. There was evident effort and some motion of translation, without contact or imposition of the hands. Among the experiments there was the opening of the table that was elastic. However, as it offered too much resistance due to a constructive defect, it was left alone while the spirit was able to open and close another one.

47 – Why is it that, the other day, the motion of the table ceased every time one of us took a torch to examine it from below?
- Because I wanted to punish your curiosity.

48 – What do you do in your existence of spirit, since you certainly do not spend your time rapping?
- Several times I have missions to accomplish. We must obey superior orders,

particularly when we have to do good deeds through our influence over the humans.

49 – Your earthly life, no doubt, was not exempt of faults. Do you acknowledge them now?
- Yes. I fairly expiate them, staying stationary among the inferior spirits. I cannot purifyenough until I take another body.

50 – When you knocked on another piece of furniture, at the same time as on the table, was that you or another spirit?
- It was I.

51 – You were alone then?
- No, but the task of rapping was only mine.

52 – Did the other spirits who were around help you with something?
- Not with the rapping but with the talking.

53 – They were not rapping spirits then?
- The “Truth” only allowed me to rap.

54 – Don’t the rapping spirit sometimes gather in large numbers with the objective of having more strength to produce certain phenomena?
- Yes, but for what I wanted to do I was enough.

55 – In your existence as spirit are you always on Earth?
- More frequently in space.

56 – Do you sometimes go to other worlds, say, and other globes?
- Not to the more perfect ones; only to the inferior worlds.

57 – Do you have fun sometimes on hearing what men do?
- No. However, sometimes I have pity on them.

58 – Who are the ones that you preferably seek?
- Those that in good faith want to believe.

59 – Could you read our thoughts?
- No, I cannot read the thoughts, as I am not perfect enough.

60 – However, you must know our thoughts considering that you come to us. In other words, how can you know that we believe, in good faith?
- I don’t read but I understand.

OBSERVATION: Question 58 aimed at knowing whom he would spontaneously direct his preference, if not been evoked. As a spirit that is not from much of an elevated order he can feel forced, by the evocation, to come to a place that displeases him. On the another hand, not properly reading our thoughts, he certainly could see if the audience was meeting with a serious objective. From the nature of the questions and the conversations he heard, he could judge if the audience was formed by individuals sincerely seeking enlightenment.

61 – Have you met any of your military comrades in the spiritual world?
- Yes but their positions were so different that I did not recognize all of them.

62 – What made up the differences?
- The happy or unhappy situation of each one.
- What did you say in those encounters?
- I told them: We shall rise up to God that allows it.

63 – How do you understand such a rise up to God?
- Each overtaken hurdle is one step more in that direction.

64 – You said you have died in the snow. Do you mean that you died of cold?- Of cold and hunger.

65 – Were you immediately aware of your new existence?- No but I was no longer cold.

66 – Have you gone back some times to the place where your body remained?- No. It made me suffer too much.

67 – We appreciate the explanations given, with good will. They provided us with good points of observation to our own improvement in the Spiritist Science.
- I am truly yours.

OBSERVATION: As seen, this spirit is not very advanced in the spirits’ hierarchy. He himself recognizes his inferiority. His knowledge is limited, but has common sense, praiseworthy feelings and benevolence. As a spirit, his mission is very insignificant, considering that he plays the role of rapping spirit to draw the nonbelievers to the faith. But, as with the paly role of the theater, couldn’t the outfit of the accomplice hide a kind heart? His answers have the simplicity of ignorance but as he does not have the elevation of the philosophical language of the superior spirits, they are not less instructive though, in the study of the spirits’ customs, if we can say so. It is only through the study of all classes of that world that we will one day understand it, marking by anticipation the place where each one of us may one day occupy. Looking at the situation created by men, like us, down here, by their vices and virtues, we feel encouraged to elevate to the summit, starting from here. It is the example against the precept. It is never too much to repeat that in order to know something well, having an idea free of illusions about it, it is necessary to see it in all of its aspects, as the botanic Biologist cannot get to know the vegetal kingdom if he does not observe from the humblest cryptogamae under the moss of the oak tree that elevates in the air.

* Name adopted by the Order of Saint-Jean-de-Dieu in France, out of humbleness.

Imposter spiritsfalse father Ambrose

One of the hurdles presented by the spiritist communications is that of the imposter spirits, whose identity can induce error in that, under the shelter of a respectable name, they try to pass off absurdities. Such a danger has been explained to us on many occasions; however, it represents nothing to those who scrutinize the form as well as the content of the language of the invisible beings to whom they enter into communication.

It is not possible to repeat here what we have already said with that regard. Carefully refer to what we published in this Review, in the Spirits’ Book and in our Practical Instructions and one will see that there isn’t anything easier than the presumption against similar frauds, however little our good will may be. We only reproduce the following comparison which we have mentioned somewhere else:

“Suppose that in the room next door to you there are unknown individuals who you cannot see, although you can perfectly hear them. Wouldn’t that be easy, from their conversation, to recognize if they are ignorant or scholars, decent or evil, serious or foolish, fine or rude people?”

Let us make another comparison, without leaving our material humanity. Suppose that someone is introduced to you with a distinct scholar name. When you hear the name you will receive him with all the consideration deserved by his supposed merit, but once he expresses himself as a fool you will immediately recognize it and will expel him as an imposter.

The same applies to the spirits. They are recognized by their language. The language of the superior spirits is always dignified and in harmony with sublime thoughts. A triviality will never blemish their purity. The grossness of the rude words is a peculiarity of the inferior spirits. All qualities and imperfections of the spirits are revealed in their language. One can then rightfully apply the statement of the celebrity writer: The style is the man.

Those considerations are suggested to us by an article of the “Spiritualiste de la Nouvelle-Orléans”, December 1857. It is a conversation established through a medium, between two spirits, one identifying himself as Father Ambrose, the other, Clement XIV. Father Ambrose was a respectable priest, deceased in Louisiana in the last century. He was a good man, of great intelligence who left a venerable memory.

In this dialogue the ridicule competes with the ignoble, being impossible to be mistaken relative to the quality of the interlocutors. It is also necessary to acknowledge that those spirits took little precaution with their disguise. Any intellectual person would admit, even after only a minute engaged with these spirits, that Father Ambrose and Clement XIV would go down to those trivialities which are closer to an exhibition of buffoonery. Lower class comedians that imitated those two persons would not express themselves differently.

We are convinced that the New Orleans circle where the fact took place understood it as we did. It would be an insult to doubt it. We only regret the fact that upon publishing it they did not add the corrective observation, thus avoiding that superficial people take it by a model of serious style from beyond the grave. Let us quickly declare, however, that this circle does not receive communications only of that order; there are others of very different character where we find the whole sublimity of thought and expression of the superior spirits.

We thought that the evocation of the true and the false Father Ambrose could offer useful material to the observations relative to imposter spirits. That is what we did, as shown by the following interview:

1. I ask the Almighty God to allow the spirit of the true Father Ambrose, deceased in Louisiana in the last century, leaving a venerable memory, come to communicate with us.
- I am here.
2. Could you kindly tell us if it was really you and Clement XIV who had the conversation

reported in the “Spiritualiste de la Nouvelle-Orléans” which we read in our last session?
- I am sorry for the men who fell victims of the spirits as much as I am also sorry for those.
3. Who was the spirit that took your name?

- A tumbler.
4. Was the interlocutor really Clement XIV?

- It was a spirit similar to the one that used my name.
5. How could you allow such things in your name? Why haven’t you come to expose the imposters?
- Because I cannot always impede that men and spirits have fun.

6. I understand you with respect to the spirits. However, with respect to the persons who received the words, they are serious people; they did not seek amusement.

- One more reason. They should quickly think that such words could only be the language of spirits of mockery.

7. Why do the spirits not teach in New Orleans the principles perfectly identical to the ones taught here?

- Soon the Doctrine that is dictated to you will serve them. There will be only one.

8. Since this Doctrine will be taught there later, it seems to us that if it were immediately it

would accelerate the progress and avoid that some had harmful doubts.

- Gods’ predetermined designs are always impenetrable. Don’t other things seem incomprehensible to us, given the means that God employs to achieve His objectives? It is necessary that man does get used to the distinction between the true and false. Not everyone could receive light from the same beam without being obfuscated.

9. Would you kindly give us your opinion about the reincarnation?

- The spirits are created ignorant and imperfect. One incarnation only would not suffice to learn everything. It is necessary that they reincarnate to enjoy the happiness that God reserves to them.

10. Does reincarnation take place on Earth only or in other globes?

- Reincarnation happens according to the progress of the spirit, in worlds more or less perfect worlds.

11. This does not answer if it can happen on Earth?

- Yes, it can happen on Earth and if the spirit asks for it as a mission, he will have more merit than if he had asked to advance more rapidly in more perfect worlds.

12. We ask the Almighty God to allow the spirit who took the name of Father Ambrose to come to communicate with us.

- I am here but don’t you confuse me (with someone else).

13. Are you really Father Ambrose? In the name of God I conjure you to tell the truth!

- No.

14. What do you think about what you said in his name?

- I think the same as those who heard me also thought.

15. Why have you used a respectable name to say such foolish things?

- Names are nothing to our eyes. The works are everything. Since they could see what I really was by what I said, I did not give importance to the substitution of the name.

16. Why don’t you sustain the imposture in our presence?

- Because my language is a key stone by which you cannot be mistaken.

OBSERVATION: We were told several times that the imposture of certain spirits is a trial to our judgmental capacity. It is a kind of temptation, allowed by God so that, as Father Ambrose said, man may get used to distinguishing the true from the false.

17. What do you think about your partner Clement XIV?
- He is not more deserving that I am. Both need indulgence.

18. In the name of the Almighty God, I ask you that he may come.
- I am here, since the time the false Father Ambrose had arrived.

19. Why have you abused the credulity of respectable people to give a false idea of the Spiritist Doctrine?

- Why are we inclined to error? Why aren’t we perfects?

20. Didn’t you think, both of you, that one day your deception would be discovered and that the

true Father Ambrose and Clement XIV would not express themselves like you?
- The deceptions were already known and punished by the one who created us.

21. Do you belong to the same class as the rapping spirits?
- No, since logic is still necessary to do what we did in New Orleans.

22. (to the true Father Ambrose) – Do these imposters see you here?
- Yes and they suffer with my presence.

23. Are they errant or reincarnated?

- Errant. They would not be sufficiently perfect to such a detachment in case they were incarnated.

24. How about you Father Ambrose, what is your state?
- Incarnated in a happy and unknown world to you.

25. We thank you for the clarifications that you have kindly given us. Would you kindly return on other occasions, bringing us good words and leaving an essay which could show the difference between your style and of the one who stole your name?

- I am with those who seek the good in the truth.
A lesson of calligraphy by a spirit

Generally speaking the spirits are not masters of calligraphy hence the writings through the medium are not typically elegant. With respect to that, one of our mediums, Mr. D..., presented an exceptional phenomenon that was the production of a much better writing under the inspiration of the spirits than from his own capacity. His normal calligraphy is really bad (he does not brag about it saying that it is the trait of the great spirits). However he acquires a special talent, very distinct, according to the communicating spirit, and it is always the same with the same spirit, but always clearer, more legible and more correct. With some writings it has an English style, marked by some audacity. One of the members of the Society, Dr. V..., had the idea of evoking a distinct calligraphy expert, with the objective of observing the writings. He knew one expert by the name of Bertrand, deceased a couple of years back, with whom we had the following conversation in another session:

1. Following our evocation procedure, he responded:
- I am here.

2. Where were you when we evoked you?
- I was already near you.
3. Do you know the main reason that made us evoke you?
- No, but I wish to know.

OBSERVATION: The spirit of Mr. Bertrand is still under the influence of matter, as it is reasonable to suppose. It is a known fact that such spirits are less capable of reading our thoughts than those who are less materialized.

4. We would like to have you writing through the medium a calligraphic text with the characters you would use when alive. Can you do that?
- I can.

OBSERVATION: Since those words the medium, who does not apply the rules learned from the masters of calligraphy, assumed a correct posture, without noticing, both of the body and the hand. Everything else was written like in the attached facsimile. As a means of comparison we also reproduced the normal writing of the medium.

5. Do you remember the circumstances of your earthly life?
- Some.

6. Could you tell us in which year did you die?
- I died in 1856.

7. How old were you?
- I was 56 years old.

8. In which city did you live?
- Saint-Germain.

9. What was your life style?
- I tried to satisfy the bodily needs.

10. Did you take care of matters related to beyond the grave?
- Almost nothing.

11. Do you regret the fact that you no longer belong to this world?
- I regret not having effectively used my time.

12. Are you happier than on Earth?
- No. I suffer for the good deeds I did not do.

13. What do you think about the future that awaits you?
- I think that I need all of God’s mercy.

14. What are your relationships in the world where you are?
- Regrettable and unhappy relationships.

15. When you come to Earth, do you go to some places preferable to others?
- I look for the souls that have compassion for my penalties or pray for me.

16. Do you see the earthly things with the same clarity as before?
- I don’t bother seeing them. If I did it would be another cause of displeasure.

17. They say that you showed little tolerance when alive. Is that true?
- I was much violent.

18. What do you think about the objective of our meetings?
- I wish I could have known about them when I was alive. They would have made me better.

19. Do you see other spirits where you are?
- Yes but I feel confused in their presence.

20. We pray to God that He may have you in His saint mercy. The feelings you have just expressed should allow you to find grace before Him. We don’t doubt that they will help in your progress.
- I thank you. May God protect you. I praise Him for that. I hope my time comes.

OBSERVATION: The teachings provided by the spirit of Mr. Bertrand are absolutely exact and in agreement with the life style and his known character. It is only when confessing his inferiority and his mistakes that the language is more serious and elevated than what one could expect. Once more we had the proof of the difficult situation of those that are very attached to matter. It is how the inferior spirits sometimes give us, by their example, valuable moral lessons.

Brussels, June 15th, 1858

Dear Mr. Allan Kardec,

I receive and eagerly read your Spiritist Review and recommend it to my friends, not the simple reading but an in depth study of your Spirits’ Book. I greatly regret the fact that my physical concerns do not allow me to spare the time for the metaphysic studies, although I had taken them far enough to feel how close you are to the absolute truth, particularly when I see the perfect agreement between the answers they give us – you and me. The spirits themselves who have personally given you the merit for the writings, remain astonished by the depth and logic of the texts. You have elevated yourself to the level of Socrates and Plato by the moral and esthetic philosophy. As for myself, who know the phenomenon and your loyalty, I do not doubt the accuracy of the explanations given to you and reject all ideas I have previously published about it with Mr. Babinet, when I thought that there was only physical phenomena or foolishness, unworthy of the scholars’ attention. Do not feel discouraged as I do not feel discouraged in the face of indifference of your contemporaries. What is written is written; what is sowed will germinate. The idea that life is a “sharpening” of the souls, a trial and expiation, is great, consoling, progressive and natural.

Those who embrace these facts are happy in all positions. Instead of lamenting the physical and moral sufferings that abate them, they must rejoice or at least withstand it all with a Christian resignation.

To be happy, flee the pleasure
Is the motto of the philosopher;
The effort we made to enter,
Costs more than the goods;
But it comes to us sooner or later, In a form of a surprise;
This is a lackluster game of chance, Worth ten thousand times the bet.

I hope to be in Paris soon where I have many friends and a lot to do but will leave it all to find you and shake your hand.


Director of the Royal Museum of the Industry

Such clear, honest statements made by the notable Mr. Jobard is, incontestably, a precious conquest that all adepts of the Spiritist Doctrine will applaud. However, in our opinion, it is even of a greater value to publically recognize a mistake made and deny ideas already published in the past without pressure or interest, particularly when the truth has emerged. This is what one can call the true courage of opinion and more importantly when one holds a well-known name. That attitude is peculiar to the great characters that can remain above all prejudices. All men can be wrong but there is greatness in recognizing one’s own mistakes, whereas there is avarice in sustaining an opinion that one knows to be false, uniquely to show to the eyes of the common ones supreme infallibility. Such prestige could not deceive posterity which relentless removes all traps of pride. It is only posterity that founds reputation; only posterity has the right to inscribe in its temple: “This one was really great by the spirit and by the heart”. How many times has it not written also: “This great man was very small”.

The praises contained in the letter from Mr. Jobard would have prevented us from publishing it if they were addressed to us personally. As he recognizes, however, the work is by the spirits to whom we have only been the humble interpreter, all the credit belongs to them, and our modesty has nothing to suffer with a comparison which would only prove one thing: that this book could not have been dictated by anyone else but the spirits of a higher order.

In response to Mr. Jobard, we had asked him if he would allow us to publish his letter; at the same time we were assigned by the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies the task of offering him the title of honorary and corresponding member. Here is the answer he kindly sent us and that we are happy to reproduce:

Brussels, June 22nd, 1858.

My dear colleague,

You ask me, with spiritual circumlocutions, if I dare publicly confess my belief in spirits and perispirits, by allowing you to publish my letter, and if I accept the title of the Academy of Spiritualism that you founded, which would be, as they say, to have the courage of one’s opinions.

I confess to feel a little humiliated to see you employing the same formulas and the same phrases used with the fools, as you should know that my whole life has been dedicated to the support of the truth and to the testimony in its favor, whenever I found it, be it in Physics be it in Metaphysics. I know well that the role of the adept of the new ideas is not always free from inconveniences, even in the enlightened age, and that he can be ridiculed by saying that it is day light at noon, and the least risk is to be considered mad. However, as Earth rotates and noon’s light will shine for all, it is very necessary that the incredulous get to the evidence. It is also natural to hear the unbelievers denying the existence of the spirits as much as the existence of light is negated by those who are still deprived of their rays.

Is it possible to communicate with them? That is the whole issue. See and observe.

The fool always deny what he cannot understand;To him, wonder is a simple apparatus;
Knows nothing, wants nothing, learns nothing;Such is the trustworthy portrait of the incredulous.

I said to myself: Man is evidently double, as death unfolds him. When half stays here, the other half goes somewhere else and keeps its individuality. Spiritism is then in perfect agreement with the Scriptures, with the dogma and with the religion that believes so much in the bad spirits that exorcises them as well as in the good ones that they evoke. The “vade retro” and the “veni creator” give us a proof of that. Thus evocation is a serious thing and not a devils’ work or charlatanism as some think. I am curious. I deny nothing but I want to see. I did not say: bring me the phenomenon. I went after it, instead of waiting for it in my chair, according to an illogical tradition.

I made the following reasoning about magnetism, more than forty years ago: it is impossible that so honorable men write thousands of books to make me believe in the existence of an inexistent thing. Then I tried for long and in vain, while I did not have the faith to find what I wanted. But I was well rewarded for my perseverance, since I was able to reproduce all the phenomena I had heard about. Then I paused for 15 years. The tables had appeared and I wanted to have a clear idea. Now comes Spiritism and I act still in the same way.

Whenever something new shows up, I will rush with the same fervor that I employ to follow all modern discoveries. It is curiosity that drags me and I regret the fact that the savage are not curious, hence they remain savage. Curiosity is the mother of instruction.

I know well that this learning enthusiasm has caused me harm, and that had I remained in that respectable mediocrity which leads to honor and fortune I would have had my fair share; but long ago I told myself that I was only passing through this ordinary hostel where it is not worth to unpack. What made me painlessly withstand the adversities, the injustices and theft of which I was a privileged victim, was the idea that here there is no such a happiness or disgrace worthy of our joy or affliction.

I worked, worked, worked, and all that gave me the strength to fustigate my most bloodthirsty adversaries and imposed respect onto the others, as now I am happier and more peaceful than the persons who stole from me an inheritance of twenty million. I am sorry for them as I don’t envy their position in the spiritual world. If I regret that fortune it is not for me: I have no stomach to eat twenty million, but for the good that it has prevented me from doing. Similarly to a lever in the hands of a man who could handle it, what an impulse it could have given to Science and progress! Those who have fortune frequently ignore the true enjoyment they could provide themselves.

Do you know what is missing to quickly propagate the Spiritist Science? A rich man who would dedicate his fortune to that by pure devotion, not mixing pride and selfishness; a man would do things with greatness, without parsimony and stinginess. Such a man would make Science advance half a century. Why have I been deprived of the means of doing that?

Such a man will appear. Something tells me so. Honor him!

I saw the evocation of a living person who had syncope until the spirit returned. Evoke me to see what I am going to say. Evoke also the late Dr. Mure, who died in Cairo on June 4th. He was a great spiritist and a Homeopathic Physician. Ask him if he still believes in elves. He is certainly in Jupiter as he was a great spirit, even here on Earth; a true teaching prophet and my friend. Would he be happy with the eulogy I wrote to him?

You may say that this letter is too long but it is not so easy to have me as correspondent. I will read your latest book which I have just received. At first sight I do not doubt that you do well on destroying a lot of prejudices, hence you were able to show the serious side of the matter. The Badet case is very interesting. We shall talk about that later.

Yours truly,

Any comment would be superfluous. Everyone will easily appreciate the depth and sagacity that added to noble thoughts have placed the author in such a commended position among his contemporaries. We can feel honored for being crazy (according to the understanding of our adversaries) whenever we have such companions in misfortune.

To Mr. Jobard’s observation: “Is it possible to communicate with the spirits? That is the whole issue. See and observe.” we can add: The communications with the beings of the invisible world are neither a discovery nor a modern invention. Since the remotest antiquity they were practiced by men who were our masters in Philosophy and whose names we daily invoke as authorities. Why could this happen then and not today?

The following letter was addressed to us by one of our subscribers. As it contains an instructive part which may serve to the majority of our readers and since it is one more proof of the moral influence of the Spiritist Doctrine, we have the duty of publishing it in its totality, answering the questions it raises to everyone.

Bordeaux, June 24th, 1858.
“Dear Sir and Comrade in Spiritism,

You will certainly allow one of your subscribers and keenest readers to give you such a title, because this remarkable Doctrine must be a fraternal link among all those who understand and practice it.

In one of your previous issues you mentioned the notable drawings executed by Mr. Victorien Sardou, representing dwellings in Jupiter. Your description exacerbates in us the desire to get to know them. Can you tell us if that gentleman wishes to publish them? I have no doubt that it would be a success, considering the daily reach of the spiritist belief. It would be the necessary complement to such a seductive description given by the spirits about that happy planet.

I must say, dear sir, that about eighteen months ago we evoked, in our small and intimate circle, a former judge and our ancestor, who died in 1756, leading a life, which was the model of all virtues and a very superior spirit, although unnoticed in history. He said he was incarnated in Jupiter and gave us a moral teaching of remarkable wisdom, in total agreement with your precious Spirits’ Book. We naturally had the curiosity of requesting from him some information with respect to the state of the world that he inhabits, to which he responded with great benevolence. Now you may judge our surprise and our joy by reading in your Review a description absolutely identical of that planet, at least the outline, hence we took our questions to the same extents that you did. Everything is identical physically and morally, even relatively to the condition of the animals. Airborne dwellings were mentioned, fact not covered by you.

Considering that there were things that were difficult for us to understand, our relative added the following outstanding words: “It is not surprising that you cannot understand things that were not made for your senses, but as you advance in Science you will understand them better through your thoughts. They will no longer seem extraordinary to you. It is not far the time when you will receive more complete clarifications about this aspect. The spirits are assigned the task of instructing you about it and to give you an objective and to motivate you towards good.” On reading your description and the announcement of the drawings you have mentioned, we naturally thought that the time had come.

The incredulous will, no doubt, criticize that paradise of the spirits, as they criticize everything else, even immortality and the most sanctified things. I know well that nothing materially proves the truthfulness of that description but to those who believe in the existence and revelation of the spirits, wouldn’t such a coincidence bring reflection? We form an idea about countries that we have never seen by the description of the travelers, when there is coincidence among them. Why wouldn’t the same apply to the spirits? Is there anything in their description about Jupiter that denies reason? No. Everything is in agreement with the idea of more perfect existences. I will say more: it is in agreement with the Scriptures, as I will one day demonstrate. It seems so logical and consoling to me that it will be painful to renounce to the hope of inhabiting a fortunate world, where there is no evil, no envy, no enemies, neither selfishness nor hypocrisy. That is why I employ all my energy to deserve to move there. When in our small circles someone seems to have too material thoughts, we say: “Be careful otherwise you won’t go to Jupiter.” And we are happy to think that such a future is reserved to us, if not in the next phase at least in one of the following ones. Thank you my dear brother for having opened to us that new path of hope. As you had precious revelations about that world, you may have also had about the others that form our planetary system. Do you intend to publish them? This would form a very interesting set. Looking to the planets we would rejoice on thinking about the variety of beings that inhabit them; space would seem less empty to us. How can man, who believes in the power and wisdom of God, entertain the thought that these millions of globes are inert and lifeless bodies? That we are the only ones in this miniscule grain of sand which we call Earth? I will say that it is impiety. Such an idea saddens me. If that were true, I would see myself in a desert.

With all my heart, all yours,

Marius M.(retired)

The title that our honorable subscriber wanted to give us is very flattering so that we cannot be anything else but appreciative for his judgment by considering us worthy. Spiritism is in fact a fraternal link which must lead everyone that understands its essence to the practice of the true Christian charity, as it tends to eliminate the feelings of hatred, envy and jealousy that divide men. But that fraternity will not be the one of a sect; to be in perfect agreement with the Divine precepts of the Christ it should encompass the whole humanity, hence all men are children of God. If some are deviated, it commands that we feel sorry for them and prohibits that we hate them. “Love thy neighbor”, said Jesus. He did not say: “Love no one but those who think like you.” That is why when our adversaries throw a stone at us we should not return curses. Such principles will convert those who profess them into men of peace who will not find in chaos and in the practice of evil towards their neighbors the satisfaction of their passions.

The feelings of our honorable correspondent are impregnated by much elevation to persuade us that he understands fraternity, as it must be, in its broadest meaning.

We feel happy for the communication he promises us about Jupiter. The coincidence he indicates is not the only one, as we can see in the article about the subject. Well, whatever the opinion one might have regarding the issue, it is still a material for observation. The spiritual world is full of mysteries that need to be studied with great care. The moral consequences that our correspondent extracts from that are characterized by a logic that will not go unnoticed to anyone.

With respect to the publication of the drawings, several subscribers have indicated the same desire to us. The compilation, however, would be too extensive, as the reproduction by engraving would signify excessive thus impracticable costs. The spirits themselves had said that it was not yet time to publish them, maybe for that reason. Fortunately the difficulty has now being overcome. The drawing medium, Mr. Victorien Sardou, became an engraving medium, although he had never touched a chisel. Now he makes the drawings directly on copper, which will allow the direct reproduction without the support of any strange artist. Hence the financial issue was minimized so that we will be able to provide a remarkable proof in our next number, followed by a technical description which he will kindly write, according to the documentation provided by the spirits. There are a large number of drawings that later will form a true atlas. We know another drawing medium by which the spirits produce not less curious drawings about another world. Regarding the state of the several known globes we have general teachings about some and a few details about others. We have not yet established a convenient time for its publication.


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