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The Spiritist review — Journal of psychological studies — 1858 > May > Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies - Founded in Paris, April 1st, 1858
Parisian Society of Spiritist StudiesFounded in Paris, April 1st, 1858
And authorized by the order of the Mayor of Police, on the advice of S. Exc. the Minister of the
Interior and Public Safety, dated April 13th, 1858
The universal reach, so as to say, which is daily achieved by the spiritist beliefs, was vividly missing the creation of a center for regular observations. Such blank has just been filled out. The Society, whose formation we have the pleasure to announce, exclusively formed by serious persons, free from prevention and animated by the sincere desire of enlightenment, has counted, among its associates and since the beginning, on eminent men by their knowledge and social positions. We are certain that the society is called upon to realize countless services towards the authentication of truth. Its organic law ensures a homogeneity without which there will be no possible vitality. It is based on the experiences of men and things and on the knowledge of the necessary conditions to the observations that are the object of its investigations. On coming to Paris, the foreigners who are interested in the Spiritist Doctrine will then find a center where they can visit to obtain information and where they will also be able to report their observations.*
* For information relatively to the Society send to Mr. Allan Kardec, rue Sainte-Anne, 59 from 3 to 5 pm; or to Mr. Ledoyen, book seller, Galery d’Orleans, 31, Palais-Royal.
The universal reach, so as to say, which is daily achieved by the spiritist beliefs, was vividly missing the creation of a center for regular observations. Such blank has just been filled out. The Society, whose formation we have the pleasure to announce, exclusively formed by serious persons, free from prevention and animated by the sincere desire of enlightenment, has counted, among its associates and since the beginning, on eminent men by their knowledge and social positions. We are certain that the society is called upon to realize countless services towards the authentication of truth. Its organic law ensures a homogeneity without which there will be no possible vitality. It is based on the experiences of men and things and on the knowledge of the necessary conditions to the observations that are the object of its investigations. On coming to Paris, the foreigners who are interested in the Spiritist Doctrine will then find a center where they can visit to obtain information and where they will also be able to report their observations.*
* For information relatively to the Society send to Mr. Allan Kardec, rue Sainte-Anne, 59 from 3 to 5 pm; or to Mr. Ledoyen, book seller, Galery d’Orleans, 31, Palais-Royal.