The Spiritist review — Journal of psychological studies — 1858

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist review — Journal of psychological studies — 1858 > February > Spirits’ Scale > Second Order – Good Spirits > Second Class: Superior Spirits
Second Class: Superior Spirits

Unite science, wisdom and benevolence. Their language, permanently dignified and elevated, breathes generosity and, sometimes, it is sublime. Their superiority enable them, more than the others, with the ability to give us the most rightful notions of the incorporeal world, within the limits allowed to men. Show good will in the communications with those who, in good faith, look for the truth and whose souls are released enough from the earthly harnesses to understand it, but stay away from those animated by curiosity or those deviated from the righteous path due to the influence of matter.

When exceptionally reincarnate on earth it is to accomplish a mission of progress. It is when they offer us the type of perfection that humanity may aspire in this world.

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