Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868 > September > International League of Peace
International League of Peace

We were asked to inform the readers of the Spiritist Review that the memberships and subscriptions to the International League of League are received by Messrs. Dolfus, Mieg and Ce, treasurers of the league, at rue Saint-Fiacre 9, and at the secretariat, at rue Roquépine 18, where you can also get all information and send all communications. At the same time, we received a brochure containing the report of the first general assembly, the speeches of the speakers, and various documents useful for publicizing the purpose of this association. It is at the Guillaumin bookstore, rue Richelieu, 14. Price 1 franc.

We do appreciate the invitation extended to us, since all the Spiritists are, a matter of principle, friends of peace, and they sympathize with all the institutions or projects aimed at eliminating the scourge of war. Their doctrine, that leads to universal brotherhood, by eliminating the antagonisms of races, peoples, and cults, is a powerful element for general peace.

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