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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868 > September > Instructions of the Spirits
Instructions of the Spirits
What has been done of me?
We extracted the following communication from the Spiritist journal Le Salut, published in New Orleans, from the issue of June 1st, 1868:
“- Children, I wrote to you: “When your good union calls me, I will come to you;” And your good union called me, and here I am.
You are now like my former apostles. Do like the good ones and don't do like the bad ones; let no one deny, no one betray! you are going to sit down at the same table that brought together the friends of my faith and of my heart; let no one be Peter or Judas!
Oh! my good children, look around you and see! My cross, the glorious instrument of my vile torture, dominates the edifices of tyranny… and I, I had only come to preach freedom and happiness. With my cross, they drowned bodies in blood, and consciences in lies! With my cross, they said to men: “Obey your masters; bow down before the oppressors! "And I said:" You are all the children of the same father, without distinction other than that of your merits, resulting from your freedom.”
I had said to the great ones: “Lower yourself! "And to the little ones:" Stand up! And the big ones were raised, and the small ones lowered.”
What has been done of me, my memory, my remembrance, my apostolate? A saber! - Yes, and there are still some who have made themselves the agents of this infamy! … Oh! if one could suffer in the heavenly stay, I would suffer! … and you, you must suffer… and you must be ready for anything, for the redemption that I have started, even if only to display the same sign of union, in the same mountain! … It will be seen and understood, and they will leave everything to defend it, to bless it and to love it.
Children, to heaven with faith, and all of humanity will follow you fearlessly and with love! You will quickly know, in practice, what the world is like, if you have not been taught by theory.
Everything that has been said to you about the practice of true Christianity is only a shadow of the truth! The triumph that awaits you is as much above human triumphs and those of your thoughts, as the stars of heaven are above the errors of Earth!
Oh! When will they see like Thomas! When they have touched! … You will see! You will see! Passions will create obstacles to you, then they will help you, because it will be the good passions after the bad passions.
Think of me, when you break my bread and drink my wine, telling yourself that you will fly the flag of the worlds, for eternity… Oh! Yes, the worlds, for it will rally the past, the present and the future to God.
The journal publishes this communication without giving any information on the circumstances in which it was obtained; it seems, however, that it must have been in a commemorative feast of the Last Supper, or some fraternal agape between followers. Be that as it may, it carries, in the form and the substance of the thoughts, in the simplicity joined to the nobility of the style, a stamp of identity that cannot be ignored. It attests, on the part of the assistants, dispositions likely to merit them such a favor, and we can only congratulate them. We can see that the instructions given in America, on charity and fraternity, do not in any way yield to those given in Europe; it is the bond that will unite the inhabitants of the two worlds.
We extracted the following communication from the Spiritist journal Le Salut, published in New Orleans, from the issue of June 1st, 1868:
“- Children, I wrote to you: “When your good union calls me, I will come to you;” And your good union called me, and here I am.
You are now like my former apostles. Do like the good ones and don't do like the bad ones; let no one deny, no one betray! you are going to sit down at the same table that brought together the friends of my faith and of my heart; let no one be Peter or Judas!
Oh! my good children, look around you and see! My cross, the glorious instrument of my vile torture, dominates the edifices of tyranny… and I, I had only come to preach freedom and happiness. With my cross, they drowned bodies in blood, and consciences in lies! With my cross, they said to men: “Obey your masters; bow down before the oppressors! "And I said:" You are all the children of the same father, without distinction other than that of your merits, resulting from your freedom.”
I had said to the great ones: “Lower yourself! "And to the little ones:" Stand up! And the big ones were raised, and the small ones lowered.”
What has been done of me, my memory, my remembrance, my apostolate? A saber! - Yes, and there are still some who have made themselves the agents of this infamy! … Oh! if one could suffer in the heavenly stay, I would suffer! … and you, you must suffer… and you must be ready for anything, for the redemption that I have started, even if only to display the same sign of union, in the same mountain! … It will be seen and understood, and they will leave everything to defend it, to bless it and to love it.
Children, to heaven with faith, and all of humanity will follow you fearlessly and with love! You will quickly know, in practice, what the world is like, if you have not been taught by theory.
Everything that has been said to you about the practice of true Christianity is only a shadow of the truth! The triumph that awaits you is as much above human triumphs and those of your thoughts, as the stars of heaven are above the errors of Earth!
Oh! When will they see like Thomas! When they have touched! … You will see! You will see! Passions will create obstacles to you, then they will help you, because it will be the good passions after the bad passions.
Think of me, when you break my bread and drink my wine, telling yourself that you will fly the flag of the worlds, for eternity… Oh! Yes, the worlds, for it will rally the past, the present and the future to God.
The journal publishes this communication without giving any information on the circumstances in which it was obtained; it seems, however, that it must have been in a commemorative feast of the Last Supper, or some fraternal agape between followers. Be that as it may, it carries, in the form and the substance of the thoughts, in the simplicity joined to the nobility of the style, a stamp of identity that cannot be ignored. It attests, on the part of the assistants, dispositions likely to merit them such a favor, and we can only congratulate them. We can see that the instructions given in America, on charity and fraternity, do not in any way yield to those given in Europe; it is the bond that will unite the inhabitants of the two worlds.