Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1866

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1866 > December > Bibliographic News > The dogmas of the Church of Christ Explained by Spiritism
The dogmas of the Church of Christ Explained by Spiritism

By Apolon de Boltinn

The subject of this book presented a dangerous pitfall that the author has prudently avoided, by refraining from dealing with questions that are not on the agenda, and on which Spiritism is not yet called upon to pronounce itself. Spiritism only admits as avowed principles those that have received the sanction of general teaching, and the solutions that can be given on questions not yet elaborated, are only personal opinions of men or Spirits, susceptible to receive later the denial of experience; these premature solutions cannot be the responsibility of the doctrine, but they could lead public opinion astray into believing that the doctrine accepts them. This is what Mr. de Boltinn understood perfectly, and we congratulate him for that. Hence, his book can be admitted by Spiritism and placed among the works called to be of service to the cause. It is written with caution, moderation, method, and clarity. We see that the author has made an in-depth study of the Holy Scriptures and of the theologians of the Latin Church and of the Greek Church, whose words he comments and explains like a man that knows the ground on which he stands. His arguments have the force of facts, logic, and concision. May the book of our brother from Russia be welcome among us. This is how, in the name of Spiritism, all peoples join hands.

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