Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1866

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1866 > August > Questions and problems > Communications with the loved ones
Communications with the loved ones

Why all mothers that cry for their children and would be happy to communicate with them, cannot do it? Why their vision is denied, even in dreams, despite their wishes and fervent prayers?

Besides the lack of special gift that, as it is known, is not given to everybody, there are sometimes other reasons whose utility the wisdom of Providence appreciates better than we do. Such communications could have inconvenient to highly impressionable individuals; certain persons could abuse them and pledge to them with an excess that would be harmful to their health. Pain, in similar cases, is undoubtedly natural and legitimate; but sometimes it takes to an unreasonable point. Such communications frequently revive the pain in persons of weak character, instead of appeasing them, and for that matter they are not always allowed to receive them, even by other mediums, until they became calmer and controlled to dominate their emotion. The lack of resignation, in such cases, is almost always a cause of delay.

Moreover, it is necessary to say that the impossibility of communicating with the Spirits that we love the most, when we can do it with others, is frequently a test of faith and perseverance, and in certain cases a punishment. The one that has such a favor denied must tell oneself that it is undoubtedly deserved. One must seek the cause in oneself and not attribute it to indifference or forgetfulness of the loved one. Finally, there are temperaments that, despite the moral strength, could suffer through the exercise of mediumship with certain Spirits, even if sympathetic, according to the circumstances.

Let us admire the solicitude of the Providence in everything, watching the minimum details, and let us know to submit to His will without moaning, because the Providence knows better than we do what is useful and what is harmful. It is like a good father that does not give the son everything that he wishes.

The same reasons apply to the dreams. The dreams are the memories of what the soul saw in a state of detachment during the sleep. Now, such a memory may be blocked. But what we do not remember is not lost to the soul, for that fact. The sensations felt during the excursions of the soul, in the invisible world, leave vague impressions when we wake up, and we remember thoughts and ideas, whose origins are many times unsuspected. We could, therefore, have seen the loved ones during the sleep, had spent time with them, but we do not keep the memory. We then say that we did not dream. But, if the bereaved being cannot manifest in any positive way, he or she will not be less close to those that attract them by their sympathetic thoughts. They see and hear their words, and their presence is often guessed through a kind of intuition, an intimate sensation, and sometimes even through certain physical impressions. The certain that the person is not in the void; that is not lost in the depth of space or in the abyss of hell; that the person happier, now free from the corporeal sufferings and the tribulations of life; that they will be seen, after a momentary separation, more beautiful, more resplendent, under their imperishable spiritual envelope, and not under their carnal carapace, that is the immense consolation that is denied by those that believe that everything ends with life; that is what Spiritism gives.

In reality one cannot understand the enchantment that can be found in the idea of the nothingness for oneself and for the loved ones, and in the obstinacy of certain persons in rejecting even the hope that it can be different, and the means of acquiring its proof. Tell an agonizing patient: “Tomorrow you will be cured; you will still live many years, happy and healthy”, and that person will accept the foreboding with joy. Isn’t the thought of a limitless spiritual life, exempt from diseases and the concerns of life, much more satisfactory?

Well, Spiritism does not give only hopes about it, but a certainty. That is why the Spiritists see death in a completely different way from the skeptical.

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