Allan Kardec


(Died in France, in 1858)

What have you felt since you left the terrestrial world?

Still confused, it’ s impossible to explain.

Are you happy?

I miss life ... I don’t know... I feel a sharp pain. I think that physical life would have liberated me from it. I wish my body could rise from the grave.

2 – Do you feel bad for having been buried among the Christians and not in your own country?

A – Yes. The Hindu soil would be less heavy over my body.

Q – What do you think of the funeral honors that were bestowed on your remains?

A – They weren’t such a big event. I was a Queen and not everyone bowed before me. Leave me alone... do not force me to talk. I don’t want you to know what I am now... Be assured you that I was a queen.

3 – We respect your hierarchy; we insist only because we’re looking to be educated. Do you believe that your son will recover the land and the heritage that his parents left him?

A – My blood will reign for sure; he is entitled to it.

Q – Is your opinion of your son’s integration into society, the same that you had when you were alive?

A – My blood could not be mixed with the blood of the multitude.

4 – Your birthplace was not part of your death certificate; can you give us that information now?

A – I come from one of the noblest bloods of India. I think I was born in Delhi.

5 – You, who lived in the splendor of luxury, surrounded by honors, what do you think of all of this today?

A – That I have the right.

Q – Did your terrestrial hierarchy contributed to a more elevated rank where you are? A – I continue being a Queen ... Let them send slaves to serve me! But I don’t know ... it seems like they are not concerned with me here... and yet ... I am the same person.

6 – Are you a Muslim or a Hindu?

A – Muslim, however, I was too powerful to be concerned with God.

Q – Considering human happiness, what is the difference between your religion and Christianity?

A – Christianity is absurd; it teaches that we are all brothers and sisters.

Q – What is your opinion of Mohamed?

A – He was not the son of a king.

Q – Do you believe that he had a Divine mission?

A – Of what importance is that?

Q – What is your opinion of Christ?

A – The son of a carpenter is not worthy of occupying my thoughts.

7 – What do you think of this Muslim custom that women must hide their faces from masculine eyes?

A – I think that women were born to dominate: I was a woman.

Q – Were you envious of the freedom that European women enjoy?

A – No. Why should I care about their freedom? Don’t they serve on their knees?

9 – Do you have any recollection of past lives, before the last one you just left?

A – I must have always been a queen.

Q – Why did you answer our call so promptly?

A – I didn’t want to do it. I was forced. Do you by any chance, think that I would consider you worthy of my response? Who are you in comparison to me?

Q – Who forced you to come?

A – I don’t know ... considering that there should not be anyone here more powerful than I. 10 – Under what circumstances did you come here?

A – Always as a queen, do you think that I could have stopped being one? You lack the proper respect. I inform you that this is not the way to talk to a queen.

11 – If it were possible for us to see you. Would we see you with the appropriate jewels and ornaments?

A – Certainly.

Q – And how do you explain that having lost everything, you were able to keep these jewels and ornaments?

A – I haven’t lost them. I am as beautiful as before and I don’t understand your opinion of me. Truth is that you have never seen me.

12 – What do think of finding yourself in our midst?

A – If I could avoid it, I would. You treat me so disrespectfully.


Leave her alone, poor disturbed soul. Take pity on her blindness and let it serve as an example. You don’t know how much her pride harms her!

Considering the education given to women in that country, we did not expect wisdom when we evoked her. We expected to hear from this spirit, maybe not philosophy, but a more accurate view of reality. We thought we would hear maybe more common sense ideas than about vanity and terrestrial grandeur. Far from it, we saw a spirit who retained all the terrestrial prejudices as strong as ever. We noticed that her pride had not diminished with her passing. We noticed that she fought against her own weakness and that she was doomed to suffer a great deal for its impotence.

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